Bengs Lab

Take advantage of the circular economy

The consequences of global warming are becoming more and more impactful: heatwaves, fires, melting of glaciers, hurricanes, pollution, … International institutions and governments seek to accelerate the transition to a new economic model that is more virtuous and more respectful of the environment: the circular economy.

The negative environmental externalities of the “linear model” consisting in extracting-manufacturing-consuming-disposing can no longer prevent companies from exposure to operational, legal, financial and reputational risks, that may even result in the suspension of their operations.

Open loop, closed loop or new service driven business models … the companies that chose to rethink their value chain take a sustainable competitive advantage while reducing their exposure to the above-mentioned risks. Moreover, by offering circular solutions to their clients and their partners, they develop new growth drivers and chnage the game of their markets.

Even though this transition opens up countless new opportunities to create value, the internal and external challenges are high.

During this season, we have worked with the members of our open innovation lab, on the definition of Circular Booster aiming at accelerating circular innovation projects and smoothly integrate circular economy within its organisation and processes. This framework identifies 10 levers (the 10 “R”) and 5 models for business growth generation.